Did you "Altavista" people? Not as catchy as "googling", Altavista was the first real effort to index the World Wide Web. It was popular because it was one of the few search engines that actually came up with good search results. That is until the companies and spammers got wise and Altavista's search results were compromised. Eventually some company named Google found a way to prioritize web pages more intelligently, thus keeping spam out more efficiently. Where is it now? Altavista never tried to recover, having their market share drop to almost nothing. Yahoo! is now the proud owner of this piece of history as well.
Sadly, these are two cases where aggressive advertising systematically killed entire companies; one from within and one from without.

Yes and MySpace and YouTube will go the same way too. It's an ever changing internet world.
I think they're here to stay, at least for the next few years. The internet is kind of sorting itself out a bit more...
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